Programming/PostgreSQL/Record Queries: Difference between revisions

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All of the following assume you have first loaded a database.

These also require replacing <table_name> with the actual name of the table to query.

Display Records in Table

Basic query:

SELECT * FROM <table_name>;

Expanded query:

SELECT * FROM <table_name>
WHERE (<where_clause>)
ORDER BY <order_by_clause>
LIMIT <number>;


  • <where_clause> is an optional arg, replaced by the actual columns to set in the table.
  • <order_by_clause> is an optional arg, replaced by order of columns to sort by.
  • <number> is an optional arg, replaced by some integer to limit the number of records displayed.

For example, to get records from a table of id, name, description, we can do:

SELECT * FROM <table_name>
WHERE (name = 'A Test Name')
ORDER BY "description" ASC, "name" DESC

Insert Single Record into Table

INSERT INTO <table_name> (<columns>)
VALUES (<values>);


  • <columns> is an optional arg, replaced by the actual columns to set in the table.
  • <values> is replaced by the actual values desired to insert.

For example, to create a record for a table of id, name, description, we can do:

INSERT INTO <table_name> ("id", "name", "description")
VALUES (1, 'A Test Name', 'Some Test Description');

Insert Multiple Records into Table

INSERT INTO <table_name>

Where each set is a full record to insert.

For example, to create three records for a table of id, name, description, we can do:

INSERT INTO test_table__basic
    (101, 'Test Name 1', 'Test Desc 1'),
    (102, 'Test Name 2', 'Test Desc 2'),
    (103, 'Test Name 3', 'Test Desc 3')

Update One or More Similar Records in Table

UPDATE <table_name>
SET <set_clause>
WHERE (<where_clause>);

For example, to update a record with id of 1, for a table of id, name, description, we can do:

UPDATE <table_name>
SET description = 'Abc' 
WHERE (id = 1);

Update Multiple Records in Table

This query is slightly complicated in syntax, but here goes:

UPDATE test_table__basic AS orig_update_table SET
    <column_1> = temp_update_table.<column_1>,
    <column_2> = temp_update_table.<column_2>,
    <column_n> = temp_update_table.<column_n>
) AS temp_update_table (<columns>)
    orig_update_table.<column_1> = temp_update_table.<column_2> AND
    orig_update_table.<column_2> = temp_update_table.<column_2> AND
    orig_update_table.<column_n> = temp_update_table.<column_n> AND


  • Each set is a full record of values to either match or update.
  • The column_x values correspond to values to match (as if they were a standard WHERE clause).
  • The columns value is the set of all columns to reference. Both ones we're matching on, and ones we're updating.
  • NOTE: If you want to update a value this way, you CANNOT also use it to match.

For example, to update the description column of records that match the provided id and name fields, we can do:

UPDATE test_table__basic AS orig_update_table SET
    "id" = temp_update_table."id",
    "name" = temp_update_table."name",
    "description" = temp_update_table."description"
    (101, 'Test Name 1', 'A New Description'),
    (102, 'Test Name 2', 'Another New Value'),
    (103, 'Test Name 3', 'Something Else')
) AS temp_update_table ("id", "name", "description")
    orig_update_table."id" = temp_update_table."id" AND
    orig_update_table."name" = temp_update_table."name"