Pacman Packages
This page lists the pacman commands to install various packages. For general information about pacman usage, see Pacman.
Generally speaking, installing packages through pacman is a little bit easier and more streamlined than apt-get.
Note that some of the below packages are considered "AUR packages". See Enabling AUR Packages for details.
System Utilities
A helpful hard drive management tool, with a user-friendly GUI.
sudo pacman -Syu gparted
Extra Hard Drive Utils
Used, for example, in network share mounting.
sudo pacman -Syu cifs-utils
System Other
A packaged used to rebuild system kernels after a kernel update.
Generally needed if you manually upgrade kernels on your machine, or if running as a VM.
sudo pacman -Syu dkms
Font Packages
For some distributions, it seems the default font packages will be missing some characters. Particularly on chat programs and social media, you might see squares instead of the correct text. To fix this, run:
sudo pacman -Syu xorg-fonts-misc xorg-fonts-type1 ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu
Installs the standard Google Chrome web browser.
Note that his is an AUR Package.
Gimp is a free image editor tool.
sudo pacman -Syu gimp
VLC is an all-encompassing media player. It can handle just about any standardized media format you could throw at it.
sudo pacman -Syu vlc
For creating and editing pdf files.
sudo pacman -Syu discord
sudo pacman -Syu slack-web-jak
General Programming
Git and Gitk
Installed on most distro's by default, but not always. Pretty essential for anything programming. If not present, can be installed with:
sudo pacman -Syu git gitk
VirtualBox is a free way to create and run Virtual Machines.
sudo pacman -Syu virtualbox
Docker does to software what VirtualMachines do to operating systems.
Essentially, docker creates individual, stand-alone environments (or containers) that allow a set of software to run.
Originally a tool for NodeJS and various JavaScript libraries, it increasingly seems to be used to store all sorts of different programming packages.
sudo pacman -Syu npm
MySQL Workbench
A useful and easy interface for interacting with MySQL servers.
Programming Languages
Laravel is a Php based web framework.
Programming IDEs
Sublime Text
A text editor that, by itself, isn't very impressive. But it has a lot of support for extensions and customization, which make it as good as most standard IDE's.
Either install sublime-text-3
from the Software Updater GUI (Note that this is an AUR Package) or install via:
curl -O sudo pacman-key --add sublimehq-pub.gpg && sudo pacman-key --lsign-key 8A8F901A && rm sublimehq-pub.gpg echo -e "\n[sublime-text]\nServer =" | sudo tee -a /etc/pacman.conf sudo pacman -Syu sublime-text
An IDE created specifically for Python. Made by the JetBrains people.
sudo pacman -Syu pycharm-community-edition
A lightweight version of VisualStudio. Has support for many different languages.