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Revision as of 09:35, 6 March 2023 by Brodriguez (talk | contribs) (Add function declaration section)
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Note: Common File Extensions: .cpp .h


Inline Comments

// This is an inline comment.

Block Comments

 *This is a block comment.
 *Comment line 2.
 *Another block comment line.

Basic Input and Output

Basic Output

A very basic output example is:

#include <iostream>

std::cout << "Hello World!\n";

We can also chain together strings this way:

#include <iostream>

std::cout << "Hello " << "World!" << "\n";

If we exclude the \n, then output will remain on a single line:

#include <iostream>

std::cout << "Hello ";
std::cout << "World!";
std::cout << "\n";

The above code snippets are all functionally equivalent.

Basic Input

Similar to basic output:

#include <iostream>

std::cin >> <variable_here>

For example:

#include <iostream>

// This will read in a string as a variable, then immediately display it.
string my_string;
std::cin >> my_string;
std::cout << my_string << "\n";


Variables are strongly typed in C++. That means you must declare the type as well as the name.

Variable Definition

bool a_bool = true;
bool b_bool = false;
string my_var_1 = "This is ";
string my_var_2 = "a string.";

Variable Usage

#include <iostream>

std::cout << "Printing variable values.\n";
std::cout << a_bool << "\n";
std::cout << b_bool << "\n";
std::cout << my_var_1 << my_var_2 << "\n";


C++ uses the following bools"

bool true_bool = true;
bool false_bool = false;

Null Values

C++ uses the standard null.

int null_value = null;

Import Statements

If Statements

Basic If

if (x == y) {
    # Logic if true.

Full If

if (x == y) {
    # Logic if true.
} else if (! x && (y || z)) {
    # Logic for "else if" true.
} else {
    # Logic for false.

Switch/Case Statements

switch (<conditional_statement) {

    case <result_1>:
        # Logic if matches <result_1>.
    case <result_2>:
        # Logic if matches <result_2>.


        # Default/fallback if no matched results.

Note that the break statements are optional, but recommended. Removing a break statement will make the code execute into the next result section, instead of exiting the switch block.


For Loop

for (<counter_var> = <start_index>; <end_condition>; <counter_var_modifier>) {
    # Loop logic here.


for (int index = 0; index < 10; index++ {
    # Loop logic here.

While Loop

while (<condition>) {
    # Loop logic here.


Function Definitions

<return_type> <function_name>(<arg1>, <arg2>, ..., <argn>) {
    # Function logic here.
    return <return_value>;


# This is a function that returns nothing.
void my_function() {
    # Function logic here.
# This is a function that returns an int.
int my_function() {
    # Function logic here.


    int my_return_int = 5;

    return my_return_int;
# This is a function that returns nothing, but takes three parameters.
void my_function(int my_int, std::string my_string, bool some_other_arg) {
    # Function logic here.

Function Declarations

In the C language, a function must be physically defined above of wherever it's called.

This can be accomplished either by defining the function (see above), or via function declaration.

Function declaration is a single statement, generally at the top of the file (right under the Include Headers). These statements indicate to the compiler "this function is going to exist later on, and here is how it will be set up". Then the function itself can be defined at any arbitrary point later on in the file. It's very convenient for organization.

The syntax is as follows:

<return_type> <function_name>(<arg_1>, <arg_2>, ..., <arg_n>);


void my_function(int my_int, std::string my_string, bool some_other_arg);

It should look very similar to the first line of any function declaration. Because it's effectively the same thing, minus the body of the function.

Note: C++ requires the args be properly defined, to match the actual args of the function itself. However, some C compilers are more loose with rules, and it's possible to skip the args entirely in the function declaration. It will still work.