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Various keyboard shortcuts for use in Blender.

Camera Manipulation

  • Scroll Wheel - Zoom camera in/out.
  • Middle Mouse - Rotate camera.
  • Shift + Middle Mouse - Drag camera.
  • Number pad . (period) - Quick focus to object
  • Number pad 1 - Quick focus to y-axis.
  • Number pad 3 - Quick focus to x-axis.
  • Number pad 7 - Quick focus to z-axis.
  • Z - Bring up menu to choose camera view type.

General Manipulation

For the following keys, click and hold middle mouse button to choose dimension to apply manipulation to.
Alternatively, hit the appropriate key for the dimension (x for x-axis, y for y-axis, z for z-axis).

  • G - Grab and move selected object.
  • R - Rotate selected object.
  • S - Scale selected object.

At any point, left click to apply manipulation or hit the esc key to cancel.

Object Mode

  • Ctrl + P - With two or more objects selected, group objects together with the most recently selected one being the parent.

Edit Mode

  • Alt + left click - Select all vertices on the clicked object edge.
  • Ctrl + L - When one vertex is selected, selects all other connected vertices on the object.
  • H - Hide selected vertices (and directly connected panels).
  • Alt + H - Unhide all hidden vertices (and hidden panels).
  • E - "Extrude" new face from selected vertices.

Sculpt Mode

  • Ctrl + left click - Push in instead of extend out.
  • F - Change brush size.
  • Shift + F - Change brush strength.


  • Shift + A - Bring up the "add new" menu.
  • f12 - Create full render.